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many of the blogs or sections on this website contain comments sections. when commenting, please be advised that you must follow the following rules, otherwise your comment(s) may be removed. please also report comments that do not follow these rules. mass reported comments will be temporarily removed, then held for review by timbses.
- posts must not contain any form of bigotry, including: transphobia, homophobia, racism, sexism, antisemitism, islamophobia, (black)(trans)misoginy, xenophobia, and others. [minor comedic ageism allowed /s] it should be noted that, in the opinion of timbses and this site, "from the river to the sea" or "free palestine" are indisputibly not within themselves forms of antisemitism, aswell as any form of support for the people of palestine, condemnation of the israeli government or benjamin netanyahu, aslong as it is clear no antisemetic undertones are present.